Saturday, November 30, 2019

Speech Recognition free essay sample

Speech is the vocalized form of human Harvery Fletcher and Homer Dudley communication. It is based upon the ?rmly established the importance of the syntactic combination of lexicals and signal spectrum for reliable identi? cation names that are drawn from very large of the phonetic nature of a speech sound. (usually about 10,000 different words) Following the convention established by vocabularies. Each spoken word is these two outstanding scientists, most created out of the phonetic combination modern systems and algorithms for of a limited set of vowel and consonant speech recognition are based on the  speech sound units. These vocabularies, concept of measurement of the (time- the syntax which structures them, and varying) speech power spectrum (or its their set of speech sound units differ, variants such as the cepstrum), in part creating the existence of many thousands due to the fact that measurement of the of different types of mutually unintelligible power spectrum from a signal is relatively human languages [1]. We will write a custom essay sample on Speech Recognition or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page easy to accomplish with modern digital The speech is the quintessential form of signal processing techniques. Due the human communication, is what has drive increased on the processing power at the  the human race so far, talking about it on CPU on the modern computers this task technology is also and important subject become more and more every day, to study. On 1874, the experiments allowing to concentrated on the task of conduced by Alexander Graham Bell interpreting the speech and responding to proves that the frequency harmonics from actions from it than to await for an electrical signal can be divided, this processing the speech patterns. was the foundation that later on leads to The Problem with Automatic Speech the digitalization of the speech, entering. Recognition (ARS) is in writing computer  on the Speech Recognition era. programs that can comprehend a sound 1 wave and reproduced the same spectrogram or a spectrum analyzer, sequence of words that a person would though in vowels spoken with a high hear when listening to the same sound, fundamental frequency, as in a female or this means de? ne an association child voice, the frequency of the between the acoustic features of sounds resonance may lie between the widely- and the words people perceive. spread harmonics and hence no peak is visible. Speech Recognizers In 1952, Davis, Biddulph, and Balashek The ? st attempts to design systems for  of Bell Laboratories built a system for automatic speech recognition were isolated digit recognition for a single mostly guide by the theory of acoustic- speaker, using the formant frequencies phonetics. That is a sub? eld of phonetics measured (or estimated) during vowel which deals with acoustic aspects of regions of each digit [2], this system work speech sounds. Acoustic phonetics with the formant trajectories along the investigates properties like the mean dimensions of the ? rst and the second squared amplitude of a waveform, its formant frequencies for each of the ten duration, its fundamental frequency, or  digits, one-nine and 0, respectively. other properties of its frequency. These trajectories served as the spectrum, and the relationship of these â€Å"reference pattern† for determining the properties to other branches of phonetics, identity of an unknown digit utterance as and to abstract linguistic concepts like the best matching digit. phones, phrases, or utterances [3]. In another early recognition system Fry Another important term during the and Denes, at University College in process of speech recognition is the England, built a phoneme recognizer to formant o formants that in speech  recognize 4 vowels and 9 consonants. By science and phonetics, is used to mean incorporating statistical information about an acoustic resonance of the human allowable phoneme sequences in vocal tract. It is often measured as an English, they increased the overall amplitude peak in the frequency phoneme recognition accuracy for words spectrum of the sound, using a consisting of two or more phonemes, this through the supplying of the system with 2 previous entries or by basically training programming, in numerous variant forms the system to know the vowels and the as the Viterbi algorithm, this one is a  consonants by repetition as we do now dynamic programming algorithm for with the neural networks. This work ?nding the most likely sequence of marked the ? rst use of statistical syntax hidden states – called the Viterbi path – (at the phoneme level) in automatic that results in a sequence of observed speech recognition [2]. events, especially in the context of An alternative to the use of a speech Markov information sources and hidden segmenter was the concept of adopting a Markov models, has become an non-uniform time scale for aligning indispensable technique in automatic speech patterns. This concept started to speech recognition. In speech-to-text gain acceptance in the 1960’s through (speech recognition), the acoustic signal the work Speech Recognition by Feature is treated as the observed sequence of Abstraction Techniques by Tom Martin at events, and a string of text is considered RCA Laboratories in witch he recognized to be the hidden cause of the acoustic the need to deal with the temporal non- signal. The Viterbi algorithm   the uniformity in repeated speech events and most likely string of text given the suggested a range of solutions, including acoustic signal [4].  detection of utterance endpoints, which 4. Hidden Markov Model greatly enhanced the reliability of the The widespread popularity of the HMM recognizer performance and Speech framework can be attributed to its simple Discrimination by Dynamic Programming algorithmic structure, which is straight- by Vintsyuk in the Soviet Union, proposed forward to implement, and to its clear the use of dynamic programming for time performance superiority over alternative alignment between two utterances in recognition structures. As part of this a order to derive a meaningful assessment speech-recognition task is often  of their similarity. Others proposed taxonomized according to its different methods like dynamic time requirements in handling speci? c or warping, in speech pattern matching nonspeci? c talkers (speaker-dependent Since the late 1970’s, mainly due to the vs. speaker-independent) and in publication by Sakoe and Chiba, dynamic 3 accepting only isolated utterances or multiple acoustic features at a single ?uent speech (isolated word vs. point in time in a way that has not connected word). Systems based on previously been exploited in discrete- HMM have been demonstrated to be able  observation Hidden Markov Models. to achieve 96% word accuracy. These 6. Conclusion results sometimes rival human The DBN and HMM are the biggest ways performance and thus, of course, af? rm of working with Automatic Speech the potential usefulness of an automatic Recognition, those are the precursors of speech-recognition system in designated the neural networks that now a days are applications[7]. trying to make the switch of the old We also have to take in consideration systems that still pretty accurate. when we are talking about Hidden Markov Model, that this one is, one of the  most simple Dynamic Bayesian Networks, so using a more complex DBN we can achieve better result, just because the complexity found on those networks. Dynamic Bayesian Networks Over the last twenty years, probabilistic emerged as the method of choice for large-scale speech recognition tasks in two dominant forms: hidden Markov models (Rabiner b: Juang 1993), and neural networks with explicitly probabilistic interpretations (Bourlard Morgan 1994; Robinson Fallside 1991) [6]. This change is mainly due the fact that Dynamic Bayesian Networks are able to model the correlations among

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Anna and the King

The story of Anna Leonowens, the strong minded, widowed British governess who travelled to Siam in the mid-1800's to educate the king's many children, has been told in film many times before. The most famous incarnation of this story is Rogers and Hammerstein's musical The King And I, in which Yul Brynner virtually made the role of the despotic but benevolent king his own, and its subsequent tv spin off. The story was previously filmed in 1946's non-musical Anna And The King Of Siam, and more recently as a bland animated musical. Director Andy Tennant, who magnificently reinvigorated the Cinderella story in the recent Ever After, takes the familiar story and breathes new life into the material in this lavish, epic version. Jodie Foster essays the role of the outspoken Anna, who arrives in Thailand from colonial India to educate the heir to the throne in modern concepts. She eventually charms and influences the king, anxious to maintain a delicate balance between tradition and the future, yet ensure his country's continued independence amidst colonial expansion into Asia. It is not clear whether Tennant, whose credits also include the bland romantic comedy Fools Rush In, was trying to create a lush epic in the David Lean tradition here, but his direction is a little uneven. The film's second half heads into boy's own adventure mode with its subplot involving an attempted coup and treachery threatening the palace. The intrigue is resolved in a spectacular, if contrived, climactic Bridge On The River Kwai-like confrontation. PhilaFlava: While Anna And The King explores broader themes of colonialism, tradition, and the clash of cultures, its treatment is nonetheless rather superficial. The film lacks enough dramatic confrontations and clashes between the headstrong Anna and the king to sustain tension and thus hold the audience's interest for its generous running time.... Free Essays on Anna and the King Free Essays on Anna and the King The story of Anna Leonowens, the strong minded, widowed British governess who travelled to Siam in the mid-1800's to educate the king's many children, has been told in film many times before. The most famous incarnation of this story is Rogers and Hammerstein's musical The King And I, in which Yul Brynner virtually made the role of the despotic but benevolent king his own, and its subsequent tv spin off. The story was previously filmed in 1946's non-musical Anna And The King Of Siam, and more recently as a bland animated musical. Director Andy Tennant, who magnificently reinvigorated the Cinderella story in the recent Ever After, takes the familiar story and breathes new life into the material in this lavish, epic version. Jodie Foster essays the role of the outspoken Anna, who arrives in Thailand from colonial India to educate the heir to the throne in modern concepts. She eventually charms and influences the king, anxious to maintain a delicate balance between tradition and the future, yet ensure his country's continued independence amidst colonial expansion into Asia. It is not clear whether Tennant, whose credits also include the bland romantic comedy Fools Rush In, was trying to create a lush epic in the David Lean tradition here, but his direction is a little uneven. The film's second half heads into boy's own adventure mode with its subplot involving an attempted coup and treachery threatening the palace. The intrigue is resolved in a spectacular, if contrived, climactic Bridge On The River Kwai-like confrontation. PhilaFlava: While Anna And The King explores broader themes of colonialism, tradition, and the clash of cultures, its treatment is nonetheless rather superficial. The film lacks enough dramatic confrontations and clashes between the headstrong Anna and the king to sustain tension and thus hold the audience's interest for its generous running time....

Friday, November 22, 2019

Indicating Possession in Spanish

Indicating Possession in Spanish Many of the structural details of the English language - the parts of speech, punctuation, and even the addition of s or es to make words plural - have correlating structures in Spanish. But one common structure - the addition of an apostrophe followed by an s  - to indicate possession  does not. So if you are going to indicate possession, whether literal or abstract,  in Spanish, here are three ways you can do it: Possessive Determiners Possessive determiners are often classified as a type of adjective, the equivalent of such English words as my and your. Like other Spanish adjectives, they need to match the noun they refer to in number and gender. Here are the possessive determiners of Spanish along with a sample sentence for each: Mi, mis (my, mine): Mi gato es muy peludo. (My cat is very hairy.)Tu, tus (your):  ¡Tus hijas y yo te necesitamos! (Your daughters and I need you!)Su, sus (your, his, her, their, ones): Su casa es su mayor inversià ³n. (Your  house is  your  biggest  investment.)Nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras (our):  ¿Hay limpieza à ©tnica en nuestro paà ­s? (Is there ethnic cleansing in our country?)Vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras (your): Me interesarà ­a saber ms sobre vuestro perro.  (I would be interested to know more about your dog. Vuestro and its forms are seldom used in most of Latin America.) Using De If you are using a name or noun to refer to the person or entity that is in possession, the prepositional phrase of de followed by the noun is used, as in el libro de Juan, Johns book. A few examples: Ver el perfil de Pablo. (See Pablos profile.)Él no cree en el movimiento de mujeres. (He doesnt believe in the womens movement.)Es la madre de la estudiante. (She is the students mother.) It similarly is possible to indicate possession by using de followed by a pronoun, such as in de à ©l, but such usage is uncommon except when the use of a determiner would be ambiguous in the context. For example, if su libro (his, her, your or their book) would be ambiguous, we could say el libro de à ©l or el libro de ella (his book or her book). Possessive Pronouns and Long-Form adjectives Less common are the long form of possessive adjectives, which may be used as pronouns. They also may be used as adjectives following the noun. As with the determiners, possessive pronouns and adjectives much the possessed items or persons in number and gender.  These forms are as follows: mà ­o, mà ­a, mà ­os, mà ­as (my, mine).  El coche  mà ­o  consume mucha gasolina. (My  car consumes much gasoline.tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas (your, yours).  La cama roja es tuya.  (The red bed is yours.)suyo, suya, suyos, suyas (my, mine). Las computadoras eran suyas. (The computers were hers.)  nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras (our, ours). Los perros nuestros son muy diferentes. (Ours are very different.)vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras (your, yours; this plural familiar form is seldom used in Latin America). El regalo es vuestro. (The gift is yours.) Sample Sentences Showing Possession La casa mà ­a estaba toda quemada. Lo perdà ­ absolutamente todo. (My house was completely burnt. I lost absolutely everything. Mis pensamientos son los que me hacen sentir feliz o desgraciado. (My thoughts are what make me feel happy happy or miserable. Los retos de la vida son parte del viaje. (Lifes challenges are part of the journey.) La esposa del actor rompià ³ el silencio sobre los escndalos. (The actors wife broke her silence about the scandals.) la complejidad del ojo humano es increà ­ble. (The human eyes complexity is unbelievable.) En la creacià ³n de su imagen profesional, su actitud puede contribuir de forma positiva o negativa. (In the creation of your professional image, your attitude can contribute in a positive or negative way.) Su reputacià ³n puede sufrir ataques desde cualquier rincà ³n del mundo. (Ones reputation can come under attack from any corner of the world.)  ¿Cules son las diferencias tuyas con las otras candidatas? (What are your differences from the other candidates?) Ya se han muerto todas las esperanzas mà ­as. (All my hopes have died.) Era la ocasià ³n perfecta para explicar mis creencias. (It was the perfect time for explaining my beliefs.) Durante aquellos primeros aà ±os, la inteligencia de Einstein comenzà ³ a manifestarse. (In those early years, Einsteins intelligence began to show.)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Establishing a Utility Corner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Establishing a Utility Corner - Essay Example Vision statement of course depicts the sincerity with which we intend to take our customers because investment in smiles gets satisfaction in return. Our vision statement is "We care for your comfort and value your time". Youth: This segment is the most vibrant market of all for couple of reasons. One, the youth of the day has become very demanding. Second, the youth is very much quality conscious. Third and most important, the growing trend of handing over the reins of business to young workers is giving rise to increasing number of young managers and CEOs. Family: With increasing trend towards nuclear family, quality time with family has become a rare commodity. Kids are taken care of by crches with both parents working. Therefore weekends are particularly very important for such family outings and our store has to try its level best to invite such families. Business Community: Business community requires an ambience where it can invite potential clients/ customers and seal a deal over lunch. Therefore, such sessions (generally long sitting sessions) are very helpful for a successful utility store. This community at times requires a small meeting cum demo room and some office support, which has to be taken care of by our business establishment. It is worthwhile here to mention that while we are starting off with a new business, there must be couple of others in the market having similar business and attracting similar customers. Established businesses have some loyal customers as well. We need to attract such customers with lucrative offers. For example; Youth can be attracted with discount schemes, combo offers (like buy one get one free etc.), loyalty bonuses, special attraction for the students of colleges/ schools. Such promotional schemes help attract the customers. It becomes the duty of the management to put in full use the concepts of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Families can be attracted with better bargains for kids, innovative marketing schemes (like special packages for grand parents, weekend programmes/ competitions/ contests for kids etc. The business community is the most difficult one to invite with such bargains. This 'formal class' requires one-to-one meeting with officials and offering them better bargains and scores of incentives to switch loyalties. Comparison charts and statements are a perquisite for such missions with business leaders. Each business group requires a different set of persuasion technique. Competition is in fact a very important part of a market driven economy. This encourages the business commun

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Crime and Law enforcement (Do the UK police discriminate against Essay

Crime and Law enforcement (Do the UK police discriminate against ethnic minority groups) - Essay Example belonging in ethnic minority groups would not be regarded as acceptable especially in countries, like the United Kingdom, where the protection of equality among all the people in the country is one of the governmental priorities. In order to understand and evaluate the behaviour of British police towards the ethnic minority groups, it would be necessary to refer primarily to the general context of these groups within the national territory (percentage of population, main activities and involvement in criminal actions and so on). The existing legislation related with these groups should be also mentioned ensuring that the principle of equality is applied on all the aspects of life of people with the particular origin. It should be noticed that a major problem regarding the evaluation of the British police practices towards the people of ethnic minority groups is the fact that no recent data are available in relation with the presence of these people in the British population. Probably because a long process is required for the retrieval of the relevant info, the last available data on the percentages of ethnic minority groups in various aspects of British life refer to 2004. A series of photos people of ethnic/ minority groups in Britain is presented in the Appendix section (Figures 2-4). The presence of ethnic minority groups can be characterized as limited. In fact, in accordance with the most recent evaluation of the origin of people living in UK (in 2001) it was estimated that ‘92.1 per cent of the UK population described themselves as white (though not necessarily British); the remaining 7 per cent  (4.6 million) belonged to non-white ethnic minority groups’ (ESRC, 2007, online report). However, in the years that followed it would be normally expected that this percentage has been differentiated – the percentage of ethnic minority groups in UK is expected to having been increased. In the percentage mentioned above the level of Asian people is rather

Saturday, November 16, 2019

2.5 work file Essay Example for Free

2.5 work file Essay Directions: Complete the food safety interactive quiz. Use the information from the interactive quiz to complete the following responses regarding food safety practices. For each of the following food safety practices, share at least 2 statements from the interactive quiz. Be sure to put these statements in your own words and explain why they are helpful in preventing food borne illness. An example would be: When dining from a buffet, make sure hot food is hot and cold food is cold. Food that is 40 – 140 degrees Fahrenheit has already begun to grow bacteria and pathogens. Clean (16 points): 1. After handling raw meat, poultry, fish, or eggs wash your hands because you can get a foodborne illness. 2. Rinse fruits and vegetables with running tap water before eating, cutting, and cooking to reduce amount of bacteria present. Separate (16 points): 1. Keep many foods separate to avoid cross-contamination. It is the transfer of harmful bacteria from foods to other foods. Especially, when handling raw meat, eggs, or poultry. 2. Be sure to wash your counter and utensils with hot, soapy water to kill bacteria. Cook (16 points): 1. I f you leave cooked food out for 8 hours, throw away the food. See more: The Issues Concerning Identity Theft Essay Bacteria can grow rapidly and cause illness when it has the nutrients it needs. 2. You can a hamburger is cooked when you use a food temperature and the internal part of the hamburger is 160 F. Chill (16 points): 1. Freezing food should be kept and 0 F and below because it inactivates microbes- bacteria, yeasts, and mold. 2. By refrigerating foods at cold temperatures, you keep bacteria from multiplying. In your own kitchen, explain 2 food safety practices you feel your family can improve and 2 food safety practices you feel your family does well. (16 points) 2 food safety practices are: Run fruits and vegetables under tap water before cooking, eating, and cutting. Refrigerate food when not being used because bacteria forms rapidly. 2 safety practices: Wash utensils with warm, soapy water. Clean your counter with warm, soapy water to kill bacteria. In what ways do your school and community practice or promote food safety to contribute to your personal health? (20 points) They contribute to this by reducing pollution and cleaning up the community. By doing these little things, it can help my lungs be full of oxygen and not pollutants and cleaning up the community can save my life my protecting fish that I eat.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Impact of a Mother’s Death on the Family Essay -- Faulkner’s As I

The Impact of a Mother’s Death on the Family Death ultimately brings individuals together and the Bundren family is no exception. Each member of this chaotic family dealt with their mother Addie’s death quite differently. Throughout the novel, Cash is the silent, hard-working type who says next to nothing about his family’s crazy nature and how he exactly feels about their current situations. I believe that Cash making his mother’s coffin outside the window was not cruel or disrespectful; it shows his loyalty and commitment to his mother. Of all the Bundren children, Cash dealt with his mother’s death through physical emotion. He worked diligently on constructing the coffin and making sure it would not slant or move during the journey to Jefferson, however, readers know that everything did not go as planned. Darl, the most rational of the group, â€Å"goes off the deep end†, so to speak because of his mother’s death. While Darl and Jewel are away getting Tull’s horses, Addie dies and Darl can see what is going on back at home. His omniscent nature makes him a wonderful narrator becau...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Kenneth Nierman Essay

Kenneth A. Nierman (born 1954)(1)(2) is Founder and President of the Center for Bankruptcy Planning, and Principal of Adversity Financial Planners. His work to pioneer Financial Planning for Bankruptcy, is unparalleled. Mr. Nierman has been honored for his innovative work in advancing educational and entertaining economic concepts. One of his first economic papers was a discussion of a coming â€Å"Great Leveling† of the world economies. His first theorem on this discussion was available in 1987(doc). The Great Leveling was among the earliest neo-economic discussions about the effect s of improved technology in communication, creating a near-perfect, almost instantaneous, flow of information. It was a major factor in the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the early awareness of dictator oppression of their citizens. His theorem expressed that as information flow became instantaneous, that economies of third world countries would benefit tremendously at the permanent and unrecoverable loss of the economic world powers. This would not mean that third world economies would become equally as rich as the world leaders it would simply mean that the incremental increase in the existing standard of living would seem exponential and people in those countries would feel substantially wealthier. It would also mean that the great world economic powers would experience a loss of current standards of living. A decrease so much so that the people in those countries would experience economic and emotional pain beyond anything they had previously experienced. The Great Leveling would create a permanent shift in a majority of the world economies. World economic leaders would experience subtle or sharp, extended or immediate, decreases in citizen standards of living. The economic pain experienced would be permanent and would take years for the citizens to realize the new normal of a decreased lifestyle. Simple or drastic decreases in personal and household cash flow would have compounding effects throughout the economy of the country. His undocumented, yet historically discussed economic theorems include: The Great Leveling, The Baby-boom Retirement Myth, and Creative Destruction within the Entrepreneur World. Early life and education Nierman was born in Eastern Colorado in a small but innovative farming community of hard-working farmers and entrepreneurs (world renowned golf course footnote goes here). Family history. Parents were Alvin Kenneth Nierman and Teresa Marie (Natter) Nierman. Father died. Mother died. Sisters, Marilyn Irene Nierman (b.1949-), Alyce Dianne Nierman (b.1951-). Wife, Stacia(Stacy) Jo Nierman (Coven)(b.1956-). Married to Stacy, 19 January 1980 at King of Glory Lutheran Church, Arvada, Colorado. Formal Education. Colorado State University (CSU), Fort Collins, Colorado and Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU), Portales, New Mexico. History in Business. After graduating from CSU, married to Stacy, moved to Lakewood, Colorado. First job was as a stockbroker with OTC Net, Denver, Colorado. OTC Net specialized in underwriting venture capital developmental stage publicly held companies. After the closure of OTC Net in 1982, he went to work with E.F. Hutton in Fort Collins, Colorado. He worked with E.F. Hutton until 1984 and moved to Shearson Lehman Brothers in Denver, Colorado. In 1986, he moved to PAMCO Securities, a new firm offering financial services through local and regional savings and loans, and commercial banks.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Baby Shoes, Never Worn

Baby shoes, never worn The watch that hang over the table was ticking loudly in the silence. The two of them were standing muted in front of each other. They had been together for three years and each year she would ask him the question. She thought it was about time they started trying, but he still felt too young for the commitment. She said her biologically watch was ticking, but he maintained his opinion and told her to stop being anxious. He believed they still had plenty of time.One day she walked along the sidewalk and all she saw on her way was little people. She looked at Jumpsuits, diapers and perambulators. She got to a place with tiny shoes. She picked up a pair and caught herself in a mirror as she turned around. Something wet ran down her cheek and she could hear herself. Coming to her senses she stormed out to her car and drove home. She stayed up that night thinking about her misfortune. She decided to wake him up to convince him that the right moment was now. Luck wa s not with her.Wanting to put herself out of her misery and rage she discovered her hand moving to give him a red mark on the side of his head. She had never worried this much about anything before and he had never seen her this way before. The chaotic atmosphere had filled up the entire apartment. He tried to catch her before she got to the doorknob but failed. Her mind was empty for everything but her wish. She kept driving into the night not stopping at any point. The tank was almost empty when the first light hit the windscreen.A petrol station was the first place she saw and it was about time to stop. She sat on the bench looking at a newspaper with wet eyes when she saw the advertisement. It said â€Å"For Sales: Baby Shoes. Never Worn†. Looking at the address she drove fast across town. The picture of the baby shoes hang from the ceiling. She bulled over when she reached the right block. The young Mrs. opened the door to the apartment. She was home alone. They greeted each other. They had a noiseless clock over their table in the kitchen.The needle went from number to number, silently. She looked around not saying anything, not complimenting anything. The Mrs. observed her walking through the apartment, but stopped her when she came to the room at the far back. She barely got to see the room, but it was plenty. She looked at the Mrs. expression, turned around and walked down to her car on the street. The car was empty when she drove home to him. The clock was still ticking over the kitchen table however not as fast as it used to tick.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay about value allignment

Essay about value allignment Essay about value allignment Discuss with your Learning Team an existing organization with which you are familiar that is different than the one you used for the Conceptualizing a Business paper. Write a 700 to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the individual values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions. Include the following in your paper: Analyze the origin(s) and subsequent evolution of your personal and workplace values. Explain how your individual values drive your actions and behaviors, and analyze the alignment between your values and actions and behaviors. Analyze the degree of alignment between the organization’s stated values and the organization’s actual plans and actions. Explain the differences and analyze the degree of alignment between your values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. A Learning Team Evaluation will be due at the end of each week (weeks 2-4). Objectives 3.1 Develop strategic objectives. 3.2 Create organizational objectives and goals. EOW3 N/A Readings Read Ch. 7 of Strategic Management. Read Ch. 4 of Strategy: Winning in the Marketplace. Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. EOW3 N/A Participation Participate in class discussion. When participating with Discussion Questions in the MAIN forum, please remember to contribute at least 2 substantive answers 4 out of the 7 days of the week in order to get full credit for participation that week within the DQ’s. 4 out of 7 days by EOW3 2 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. Please look at MAIN forum for this week’s DQ’s. DQ1 – Day 3 DQ2 – Day 5 1 per DQ Individual Strategic Plan, Part II: SWOTT Analysis Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis for your proposed business. Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should take into account, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table. External forces and trends considerations: o Legal and regulatory o Global o Economic o Technological o Innovation o Social o Environmental o Competitive analysis Internal forces and trends considerations: o Strategy o Structures o Processes and systems o Resources o Goals o Strategic capabilities o Culture o Technologies o Innovations o Intellectual property o Leadership Write a 1,400 to 1,750-word synopsis in which you analyze at least seven of the forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following: Include economic as well as legal and regulatory forces and trends. Critique how well the organization adapts to change. Analyze the supply chain operations of the organization. Identify issues and/or opportunities: o Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis above. o Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis. o Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Day 7 10 Learning Team Functional Area Interrelationships Select one organization of the Virtual Organizations from the student website. Write a 1,400 to 2,100-word paper in which you complete the following: State the primary reasons for the organization’s existence from an analysis of the mission, vision, values, and goals. Analyze the reason for the type of organizational structure employed by the organization, and identify the key positions that support that organizational structure. Identify and explain the steps of the collaboration process among the

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Analysis of Barbara Kruger

Analysis of Barbara Kruger For this short essay writing I get an example of single contemporary artist Barbara Kruger. Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist. A lot of her effort consists of black and white photographs overlaid with declarative captions-in white-on-red Futura Bold Oblique. The phrases in her works frequently consist of use of pronouns such as â€Å"you†, â€Å"your†, â€Å"I†, â€Å"we†, and â€Å"they†. I begin my essay with the retort how Barbara Kruger be considered illustrative of Baudrillard’s or Barthes’ theories. Postmodernism was born out of a response in opposition to the policy of Modernism. Most particularly, Postmodern artists discarded the Modernist obsession with the aesthetic and began by questioning the recognized qualities tied to this aesthetic. As the Postmodern movement progressed, this critique intensified and moved beyond simply formal concerns; artists also began criticizing many underlying notions of Modernism, together with ideas about creativity and authority. Simultaneously, French philosophers Roland Barthes and Jean Baudrillard introduced theories concerning the rising artistic practices of appropriation and simulation. Barthes, in his elaboration on the theory of appropriation, described principles and practices that a lot of artists were employing in their critiques on Modernism. The work of American artist Barbara Kruger gives the most powerful embodiment of Barthes’ theories of appropriation. Roland Barthes, in his 1967 essay â€Å"The Death of the Author,† stripped mutually authority and authorship from artists and writers, declaring, â€Å"A text is not a line of words releasing a single ‘theological’ meaning (the ‘message’ of the Author-God), but a multi-dimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them new, blend and collide.† This theory not only described the postmodern artistic practices of the time, but it undermi ned Modernism’s lofty goals and claims of creating original artwork. According to Barthes, no author or artist creates something new and unique. Instead, every formed thing is a recycled regurgitation of that which preceded it. As Postmodernism continued to develop, many artists not only acknowledged Barthes’s denouncement of originality but also embraced it as a means through which to further critique the works and tenets of Modernism. These artists favored the readymade object as more powerful than the supposedly new crafted objects shaped by Modernist artists. By openly acknowledging the process of appropriation that occurs within the manufacture of all art, these artists leveraged the power of pre-existing imagery and signs to produce â€Å"new† works with multiple layers and multiple meanings. Barbara Kruger began her career as a graphic designer and commercial artist for publications and magazines such as Mademoiselle. Her work as a postmodern artist began to garner attention in the early 1980s; about fifteen years later than Barthes published â€Å"The Death of the Author.† Kruger’s experience in the profitable design world greatly influenced her work both officially and philosophically. She embraced both the imagery and language of advertising, combining black and white photographs with ambiguous but accusatory statements in collage-like presentations. But she concurrently rejected the philosophies of commercial advertising and the majority, by raising questions concerning gender equality, consumerism, and stereotypes.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Econometric Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Econometric Analysis - Essay Example Its analysis has two principal purposes - to promote empirical content within particular economic theories and to subject such theories to potentially falsifying tests (Econometrics, Wikipedia, 2006). Taking the first, with the French data as example, it can be said that economic theory holds that consumption should be directly proportion to income while it should be inversely so to interest and unemployment rates. The available data should reflect this and thus provide empirical evidence of the theory's validity. The tests that the data will be subjected to will assist in this quest for empiric authenticity. Such tests should not only provide broad evidence of empiricism but should also assist in determining how much current variance there may be from theoretical reckoning and should thus provide reliable pointers as to why such variance is evident. It is, of course, incumbent upon theorists to interpret why there is variance, if evident after analysis, and this is done at the end o f the paper. To find empiric elements within the variables the first strategy adopted is to assume that a certain relation exists among the variables such that LCF (natural logarithm of real per capita consumption) is taken to be an endogenous variable series that is functionally dependent upon the other variable time series' - LYF (Natural logarithm of real per capita income), RF (real interest rate) and UF (unemployment rate). The following equation expresses a 'Population Linear Function' that is linear both in variables and parameters. The equation is as follows: LCFt = + LYFt + RFt + UFt + ut Here, , , and are the unknown parameters that are assumed to be linear, just as the variables LCF, LYF, RF and UF but this is still an assumption. This, together with the fact that the data has been acquired eccentrically, without due consideration for true series function, does not automatically relate parameters, also called estimators, statistically to their true corresponding values. Therefore, it is necessary to find certain other properties within the variables to enable this. This, however is not evident. Again, thus, some more assumptions have to be made such that, based on these second set of assumptions, certain statistical properties between the estimators and their true corresponding values can be assigned (OLS, Wikipedia, 2006; Estimators and Properties, 2006). This second set of assumptions is as follows. 1. The explanatory set of variables - LYF, RF and UF - is fixed. 2. For all n > 1, >0. Where, x stands for the variable and the mean of the series. This is true for all the variables. 3. =m>0. 4. Zero mean disturbance, E(u)=0. 5. Homoscedasticity: Var() = , is constant for all values of i. 6. Nonautocorrelation, Cov() = 0, where . 7. The error term 'u' has a Gaussian distribution such that, . (Assumptions based on: Estimators and Properties, 2006) A second equation, derived from the same data set and based linearly on the same set of assumption